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为何于贝里斯 (伯利兹) 成立公司


Studious of the offshore company market, as anyone in this business, should be CONFIDENTIAL COMPANIES. Yes, you read correctly; not offshore company formation or IBC's. It states that a "confidential company allows you to hide the fact that you are the real owner of the company. Allows you to buy everything everywhere without proving the source of the money. Allows you to buy real estate/other assets/business without paying a penny to any authorities (for instance, possibility to sell the company without informing any country's authorities by just giving the company's documents to the buyer". It further says that the confidential company is "cheep to register and cheep to maintain". [source from "The IBC Review 1"]

International Business Companies ("IBCs") are essential to commercial life; a business person that never used an IBC hass probably not received quality professional advice. It is also important for thousands continuing to use IBCs to make sure that some things don't change. There are de rigour elements to determine the usefulness of the IBC and worthiness of its origin: Political stability in the jurisdiction; good communications; availability of professional and technical support; reputable track record of the jurisdiction; and compliance with international standards. These qualities are shared with other jurisdictions, especially the Belize IBC, in relation to FLEXIBILITY and QUALITY IFS PROVIDERS. [source from "The IBC Review 1"]

很多国家及地区巳放弃提供不记名股票方式成立公司 或 以每年收取高昂费用才可继续使用这项特点. 但贝里斯(伯利兹), 可提供客户选择成立公司时可使用记名 或 不记名方式 或 同时使用两项并存. 富经验之财务人员/提供服务公司 清楚客户何时应采用 不记名 股票形式, 何时予以登记, 或使用代理股东形式.

当选择国家及地区成立公司时, 客户须考虑该地能否提供优质健全之专业服务及资源. 很多国家及 地区仍未提供基本之服务如 审计服务等.. 贝里斯 (伯利兹) 能提供富经验之专才, 良好之银行系统, 富规模之会计师公司及其他专业企划人员予以处理客户资料及文件. 本司之人员拥有国际认可之 会计师资格, 这可 减少客户于成立公司时之程序出错 或 影响成立公司时之决定.

贝里斯 (伯利兹) 之国际商业公司(IBC) 拥有下列特点, 其中部份更优胜于其他之国家地区:-
  • 离岸公司操作 IBC 公司是没有税项的
  • 可设立注册中文公司名称以方便及减省翻译等时间及成本
  • 股东和董事身份不会公开
  • 可以单一董事营运公司
  • 可以一个股东单独拥有
  • 没有本地董事及本地股东的要求
  • 没有呈报周年报表的要求
  • 没有举行周年股东大会的要求
  • 没有审核财务报表的要求
  • 可发行不记名股票
  • 于国内巳广泛接受为信誉良好之离岸国家之公司

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