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Company Search Services in Hong Kong


You do agree that it is costly and time consuming to send somebody to each individual governmental offices to search around the records. In using our search services, you may receive your results via fax and you could focus on your businesses. Let us help you in:-

Company search [Not available as from 1 July 2016] Please refer Credit Report]
This service enable you to check the details of a private limited company or company limited by gurarantee in Hong Kong. Extracts of records include the name of directors and the addresses, the name of shareholders and the addresses, the name of secretary(ies) and the address(es), the registered office, the share capital structure, charges information, winding up order, deregistration etc... You can obtain the results quickly and the results will be faxed to you. Order Now!

Services Fee (Please add Government/Misc. fee on top of services fee)
  Company Record
Service Fee Per Company/Service
Standard search Full Record-Search year*
2 day
Special search Individual Partculars
2 day
Urgent search Per above
0.5 day

* Please mark clearly for the search year. Government will charge even there is no filing record in the search year as prescribed by client.

Government/Misc. Fee
Full Record (Add'l charge, if >40 pages/year)
Special search - Annual Return + Changes
Special search - Latest Annual Return Only
Special search - Other Record - Min. HK$180
(Excess can be refunded after deducting costs)^^

- For Overseas client, please add HK$300 T/T charges on top of the quoted fees above.
- Government fee is subject to change as announced.
^^ Client is required to request for refund on the excess payments (after decducting all T/T bank charges, both local and overseas) WITHIN 3 MONTHS, otherwise, client agree to forfeit the claim unconditionally.

Additional fees apply if the to-be-searched company is listed, non-private limited company or non-Hong Kong company but registering in Hong Kong.

Limitation of Search
The database records are not yet updated for new documents filing without being microfilmed or the documents was not fully completed.

The information is provided "as is" or "as available" basis. Government offices, or the intermediary providing the information, make no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the operation of the database, or the information, contents, materials, or products included in the database/information. Our Group is NOT responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive service to our clients in Hong Kong and offshore operations. If you find above helpful, please free to contact us.


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